
Access to clean and reliable water is something that too many of us take for granted. As the western US...

Access to clean and reliable water is something that too many of us take for granted. As the western US continues to balance population growth against its struggles with drought, water supplies have become increasingly constrained. Public health and water safety remain real concerns in the face of tight budgets and new threats. And the entirety of our water systems depends on a rapidly aging infrastructure for delivery from source to customers.


AquaTecture, however, believes that these challenges present opportunities. By leveraging our team’s expertise in water treatment, technology and regulation, deep-water oil and gas infrastructure, power development, and corporate and project finance, we are pursuing legacy projects and business opportunities that are both profitable and socially responsible. As a well-financed private company, we have the ability to identify and execute against a wide-range of opportunities within the water and wastewater sectors.